There would be to do a large number of assumptions when it comes to Linux, even more, when we speak about ill of Linux. The one that I want to make is that this writer is a Linux user for the past working more than 10 years (with just a couple of years off) and then in approving what will be following in the article, which largely is the opinion of another blogger, it does so with the knowledge of the facts that he had really addressed those issues.
The European developer Artem S. Tashkinov reported in a long post all the reasons why he believes Linux is not ready for the desktop (and perhaps never will be?). The problems are many and tangible. Among these we are:
- Many bugs and even regression (also in the kernel)
- Problems with hardware: the frequent updates of components like kernel or make it difficult for companies offering Linux support to keep up and not find the convenience of allocating additional resources to do so
- Lack of a standard and a consistent view among the many distributions available
- Lack of cooperation between developers worldwide open source and many “civil wars”
- Too many updates: in this house it comes to even semi-annual updates of the entire system that some distributions have adopted, making it difficult for users to keep up. Each update may “break” anything and remain in a stable version (LTS) could however not guarantee support for new hardware
- API / ABI unstable
- Software problems: intended as the absence of some basic software and the lack of compatibility with other software platforms.
- Lack of money, motivation and responsibility
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