Windows And Linux Malware Linked to Chinese DDoS Tool

Windows and Linux malware linked to Chinese DDoS tool. The malware was linked to some Chinese hackers DDoS services given. Malware like PCs pointed at both Linux and Windows were connected to a toolkit as DDoS attacks
, which continued then exchanged by Chinese hackers within the web, according to the statement of the boys Malware Must Die! The malware, which was codenamed Linux/DDOSTF (or Linux/MrBlack) mainly attacked computers with Linux servers Elasticsearch executed, but also attacked and infect Windows systems, particularly the oldest, Windows XP, and Windows 2003 servers.

Security researchers also claim that the variant of Linux for this malware, distributed as a malicious executable ELF, has much resemblance to an older malware, called JrLinux, so possibly they are of the same family. Additionally, part of the code could have been stolen from another famous malware Linux, Linux/Windows. Both the malware were linked to the service

Analyzing telemetry data from infected PCs, researchers say these malware’s are just one part of a larger botnet, which is mainly used for DDoS attacks. Using the clues that have left the malware authors in the source code, the researchers have managed to reach from infected PCs to service This website offers the “Wrath DDoS Cluster “or “DDoS Curse Cluster” in exchange for money.
Chinese website advertises it as a pen-testing tool, but it’s really nothing more than a control panel for DDoS attacks. Further investigating the source code for Linux/DDOSTF, researchers Malware Must Die! They managed to link several characteristics of malware with options and buttons on the control panel of DDoS attacks on the website.

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