Ways To Secure Your Facebook Account From Hackers

How To Secure Your Facebook Account From Hackers – Facebook is a very comprehensive social media network. Now this network shifted very popularly all across the world. In the beginning this network was restricted for college students of Mark Zuckerberg,
Then this networks was for all the college students. And now this website can be utilized by each and every person beyond 13 years.

Many circumstances arise of Facebook Hacking  So in this post I will explain you the technique to secure your facebook account from hackers. As there are so numerous hacking methods by which a hacker can easily crack your facebook password! So protection is better than cure.

There are many ways by which hackers can charges on your account So below I have posted the various methods to secure your account.

#1 Create Strong Password

Always create a strong password of your account. As there must not be a password which gets easily figured by the hackers. As there is a hacking technique called dictionary attacks which used to compare your password with every  English word. So if you have the password in simple English words then it will get easily tracked by the hackers so always use complex passwords like “techviral!@#$%“.

#2 Confirm Your Mobile Number

Confirm your mobile number in your facebook account.This will help you to reset your password when you lost it. And you will also get the notification about the change of password in your mobile.

#3 Email Address

  • Always keep your email id hidden from everybody for that go to my profile, and personal information, and let you id be visible to only you.
  • Also, remove all your email addresses, and change the primary one as the one which is known to you only.
  • Now for additional safety, use the secure browsing and send an email when logged into from another browser option active in your account.

#4 Activate ‘Login Approvals’

In Facebook login approvals is an extended security feature and it will require you to enter a security code each time you try to access your Facebook account from unrecognized devices. So to activate Login Approvals, go to Account Settings > Security, look for Code Generator and click on the Edit button and setup the ways to get codes for login.

#5 Social Engineering Attacks

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